Above Level Horse Olympics: 7-week schedule

Here is our weekly tasks! Follow along to see what each riding group will entail:

8 and under riders AND 9–10-year-old riders:

Week 1: Leading the horse, grooming properly/identification, steering (3 cones)

Week 2: Identification of saddle parts and halting the horse

Week 3: Mounting the horse properly, dismounting properly, identifying bridle parts

Week 4: Walk only pattern and cross tying

Week 5: Leg positioning while riding and changing diagonals

Week 6: Naming three horse breeds and having good transitions from trot to walk

Week 7: WT Pattern

Advanced Beginner JTR:

Week 1: Having fluid transitions and being able to tack your own horse

Week 2: Identification of saddle parts and knowing diagonals

Week 3: Naming three horse breeds and having good transitions from trot to walk

Week 4: Identification of bridle parts and WT pattern

Week 5: Sitting trots

Week 6: Executing a 3-loop serpentine

Week 7: WT Pattern with no stirrups

Adult Riders and Advanced JTR:

Week 1: WT pattern (JTR division - no stirrup portion)

Week 2: Sitting trots and collection (is your horse bridled??)

Week 3: Knowing leads and knowing diagonals

Week 4: Two laps no stirrups at trot

Week 5: Sandwich pattern

Week 6: Classifying parts of horse

Week 7: WTC Pattern

I will update a google doc bi-weekly to inform where each student is with their points. Look for that link in the next news post. I will also have all the riders split up into their assigned group.

Horse Olympics will start on April 1, 2024, and will end May 18, 2024. Ribbons of riders’ rankings will be awarded the week of May 19, 2024.

Good luck everyone AND remember this is for fun! We’re doing this to build our skill set and to find fun ways to compete with our friends at ALTC.