Marchella WS
Congratulations to the Lang family on their sale on Marchella WS! She is staying here in Missouri with her new owner Mary Redmond!
Bestman WS
Congratulations to the Lang family on their sale on Bestman WS! He is making his way to Arizona with Beethe Arabians.
Midnight Halo
Congratulations to Anthony Sutton on his purchase of this sweet gelding!
MS Curly Bill
Congratulations to Ashley Robert’s lesson family on their purchase of Bill!
Emerald Afire WA
Congratulations to the McCaulley family on their purchase of “Jaeda!” Jaeda was sold from Whispers Acres. I’m so glad she gets to stay on my farm!
JF Optimus Prime
Congratulations to Tamara Meyer on her purchase of JF Optimus Prime!
Ravishing Ruby V
Congratulations to Shannon Beethe on your purchase of Ravishing Ruby V!
Khaliqah MA
Congratulations to Milestone Arabians on their sale of Khaliqa and buyer Mindy Havenhill! We are so excited to have Khaliqah stay in the barn!
Harbin MA
Congratulations to agents Shelby Norris and Shannon Beethe on the sale of Harbin MA! Congratulations to Joan Nalley on the sale of her gorgeous gelding!
Draped In Blue MCS
Congratulations to the Severson family of the purchase of Casper! The Norris family will miss this sweet gelding. Best of luck to Casper and Sierra in the 14&under divisions!
Vanessa MA
Congratulations to purchaser Brianna Keller! This Norris family will miss this lovely mare.
Sales Agent: Shelby Norris
Heavenly Iron
Congratulations to the Hunter family on the purchase of “Jackson!” Congratulations to Whisper Acres on the sale of this giant quarter horse!
Sales Agent: Shelby Norris
Something Blue
Congratulations to the Norris family on the sale of Blue! Best of luck to Ashley Ackerson!!
Sales Agent: Shelby Norris
Espresso RTA
Congratulations to Renee Kramer and the Krimmer family on the sale of Espresso RTA!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris
Holly Would LOA
Congratulations to Liz McCloskey on her purchase of this beautiful mare!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris
Miss Mac Shoc WA
Congratulations to Whisper Acres on the sale of Miss Mac Shoc WA and congratulations to Elizabeth Flanders on the purchase of this pretty mare!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris
Somewhat Jealous MCS
Congratulations to the Hoepner’s on this huge bay gelding!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris
Reglisse RTA
Congratulations to the Walkowe’s on their purchase of this flashy black mare!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris
Allumination MCS
Congratulations to the McCutchen’s on this wonderful black gelding!
Sales agent: Shelby Norris